Our E3 Approach to Liberation

At the PH Chakra Network we use the E3 Approach to Liberation (freedom/true equity):

  • Embrace (accept the authentic self and affirm that self-power is your superpower)

  • Elevate (bring the change agents who are truly doing the good work to the forefront even if they disrupt systems- they are making a world for them)

  • Empower (give true agency to folks and let them lead, change, disrupt, create a better world)

If you want to work with us to do this for your organization, let’s connect!

Founder, Ami Patel Hopkins, has 20+ years of experience in education. She is someone who has worn many different hats and who has worked for many bureaucracies - she gets it. She also understands how to work within systems so that change can happen through collaboration and trusted relationships.